Cross-city patient mobility and healthcare equity and efficiency: Evidence from Hefei, China.
Recent studies on healthcare accessibility have made use of medical records to study the actual patient mobility and its implications for healthcare governance. Drawing on 39,067 cross-city healthcare utilization records of Hefei residents in China between 2019 and 2020, this study extends existing research to examine patient mobility at individual level and its impacts on healthcare equity and efficiency in a hierarchical healthcare delivery system.
Divergent distributions of physicians and healthcare beds in China: Changing patterns, driving forces, and policy implications
The distributions of different healthcare resources are typically examined individually and separately, thus overlooking the fundamental fact that healthcare delivery hinges on the cofunction of different resources. This study disserts the divergent distributions as embedded in medicine (i.e., physician-to-bed ratio varies for the treatment of different diseases) and shaped largely by the healthcare delivery system that determines where different diseases to be treated. This study presents a novel approach to healthcare resource distribution by focusing on the colocation of different resources, and suggests that more comprehensive policymaking is required to coordinate and optimize healthcare resource allocation across the country.
The co-evolution of therapeutic landscape and health tourism in Bama longevity villages, China: An actor-network perspective.
Many locales featuring therapeutic landscapes have seen a rise in health tourism recent years. This study introduces an actor-network perspective to examine the co-evolution of therapeutic landscapes and health tourism, and its inherent dynamism. We argue that therapeutic landscapes and health tourism are emerging out of an integrated actor-network, and thus are in continuous processes of (re)ordering and co-evolution. This study contributes to the relational thinking of therapeutic landscapes and health tourism, and enriches the understanding of their interlacing dynamics from the vantage point of the tourismscape.