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Social Infrastructure for Equity and Wellbeing (SIEW) Lab

A research team within Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong



Education, healthcare, social security and housing are the four pillars of the welfare state. In China, the equalisation and optimisation of social infrastructure across regions, cities and urban neighbourhoods, has become the next foremost task in tackling the problems of inequalities and uneven development that have accompanied the decades of rapid growth in the post-reform era.

The SIEW lab brings together multi-disciplinary researchers from Europe, US, Australia, Japan, and China. Their shared interest is in probing the long-lasting and deep-seated problems of growth and inequality in three major types of urban social infrastructure, namely housing, healthcare, and education, with an ultimate interest in improving opportunity, equity and wellbeing among urban citizens. 

Research Focus


Latest Publications

Panacea or Pandora’s Box? An institutional analysis of the contested long-term rental apartments development in China

2015年以来中国特大城市长租公寓(LRAs)在国家一系列鼓励私人租赁行业(PRS)发展的政策刺激下急剧增长,导致不少LRA企业遭遇资金链断裂甚至倒闭 短时间内破产。 结果,成千上万的租户无家可归,许多业主被拖欠工资。 本研究分析了住房金融化下中国 LRA 发展的繁荣和萧条,并探讨了以政策放松管制/重新管制为特征的转型制度与资本投机刺激的市场表现之间的关系。 本研究的结果表明,中国 PRS 的制度变迁与由内生机会主义和外生冲击引起的社会经济变化密切相关。 

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